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7 Reasons Why Simplify Clinical Trials' Clinical Data Analytics (CDA) tool is the Sponsors Solution

7 reasons why Simplify Clinical Trials'

Clinical Data Analytics (CDA) tool is the solution for Sponsors to enhance their oversight of clinical trial data:

1. Improved frequency of data quality checks: Sponsors can perform data quality checks more frequently, allowing them to stay on top of their clinical trial data at all times.

2. Comprehensive data analysis: Sponsors can access and analyze the latest CRF data entered in EDC, as well as include any data from external vendors or IRT systems.

3. Swift identification of data issues or gaps: Sponsors can swiftly identify data issues or gaps as they occur, ensuring utmost accuracy and compliance.

4. Easy tracking of study progress: Sponsors can easily track study progress and monitor patient safety in real-time.

5. Customizable ad-hoc reporting: Sponsors can create ad-hoc reports tailored to their specific needs, leveraging advanced features such as interactive visualizations.

6. Enhanced oversight of CRO activities: The CDA module does not duplicate the work done by CROs but provides sponsors with a powerful tool to enhance their oversight and diligently verify the quality of the data being produced.

7. Clean, consistent, and complete data for accurate decision-making: By proactively identifying data issues or gaps at an early stage, sponsors can ensure clean, consistent, and complete data that facilitates accurate decision-making and drives the success of their clinical trials 💪

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